Refuge Farms home of "Horses Helping..."


  1. Position Title: Webmaster

  2. Reports To: Refuge Farms Executive Director

  3. Position Description: The first exposure an individual might have to a place of business or organization is their website. It is the gateway by which opinions are formed and future expectations are gauged. The website must always be accurate, kept up to date, and be user friendly. Technical support is not out of the realm of the Webmaster's duties. The website will include (but not be limited to) the THE FARM's missions, special events, activities calendar, photo essays, and The Ways of THE FARM. The Webmaster is responsible to the Refuge Farms Executive Director for the overall implementation and maintenance of the Refuge Farms website.

  4. Essential Functions and Tasks:
    1. Design, create, and maintain the website as it relates to all aspects of Refuge Farms
    2. Design, create, and maintain any advertising and/or informative banners that may be needed on the website
    3. Keep the website dynamic as far as content and design
    4. Monitor website usage and note specific patterns or unique visitors
    5. Search for new marketing strategies that may promote website exposure and usage
    6. Maintain open lines of communication with Executive Director to facilitate and expedite changes that may be needed as far as website content or promotion
    7. Maintain open lines of communication with Operations Manager for needed data to complete monthly reports
    8. Maintain calendar of events
    9. Develop/research ideas that may benefit Refuge Farms and/or website
    10. Maintain and monitor post(s) on the bulletin board to ensure the Terms of Service (TOS) are not violated by the posters
    11. Approve/deny new registrations to the bulletin board
    12. Represent Refuge Farms via the Internet in an honest and truthful way conforming to The Ways of THE FARM and supporting the missions of rescue and healing

  5. Special Events Accountable to Host:
    1. Any "drives", such as bulb, cookie dough, wreath, etc.
    2. The Webmaster will contribute to any events, as available

  6. Qualifications:
    1. Computer skills (Word, Excel, Publisher)
    2. Website design skills (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, knowledge of various graphic design/editing programs)
    3. Excellent written communication skills
    4. Have knowledge of and commitment to Refuge Farms philosophy
    5. Knowledge of human experiences
    6. Strong spiritual belief
    7. Willingness to share experiences and beliefs in Blog

  7. Organizational Ethics:
    1. Honesty: Straightforward and honest communication with Refuge Farms management team. Remain honest with self.
    2. Conformance to The Ways of THE FARM: Constant assessment as it relates to website content.
    3. Leadership by Example: Presentation of commitment to the missions by placing opinions of the management team, volunteers, and those who visit the website first. Maintaining a positive response to issues, concerns, or criticisms of those who view the website.
    4. Consistent Performance: Constant awareness of how your actions will impact and affect others.
    5. Spiritual Base: A personal and well-established belief in a Greater Being bringing an optimistic and positive impact to the missions.

  8. Personal Contributions:
    1. Non-public hours: 20-30 hours per week
    2. Annual contribution: $2500

12/27/06             Webmaster             version 1.4
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